8 thoughts on “Autumnal Wonder in the Everyday ( Ongoing Without Words)

    • Thank you Janet, It’s lovely that you like them. I am trying various kinds of photograph, colour, black and white to build up an impression of the area I have decided to make my home. It is a post industrial landscape recovering from grief. Hopefully, I am doing it justice.
      Thank you for your kindness.

  1. Having looked at these photos and others you tweeted, especially the Old Moor ones, I don’t think you need new equipment. You get brilliant artistic images with the stuff you have. There will always be an object just beyond the reach of your longest lens. Either move closer, if possible, or accept that you cannot record the event except in your memory. I think you would benefit from a light portable camera with a fixed zoom that covers close-up to medium range telephoto. I’m not sure that cameras where you have to constantly change lenses would suit you. They are bulky and heavy. If most of your work is to be shown on your site then 16MP will be more than adequate. You will also get A3 prints from it. You get better images from larger sensors – full frame > aps-c > micro four thirds. Larger sensors cost more. You have to set a price limit and get the best one at the time. There will always be a better one out next week – ignore it. I have spent thousands on trying to get decent images of very distant objects – it’s not worth it. I am trying to stop thinking of the ones that got away but rather treasure the ones I captured. You are seeing things that others pass by unnoticed and by displaying them here you are reminding people how beautiful the world is, and persuading them to take a few minutes out of the their busy lives to enjoy simple pleasures. I cannot pick out individual images as my favourites, as I enjoy them all in different ways. I will keep coming back to them and your poetry whenever I need to meander off in a different direction and make new discoveries of my own. Thanks once again for a fantastically thought-provoking site.

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