Stoked to get another five star review on Amazon for my chapbook “A World Where”

Stoked to get another five star review on Amazon for my chapbook “A World Where”

5.0 out of 5 stars
… World Where I immediately found myself in what felt like unstable fluid

ByRussDon 16 September 2017 – Published on

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When I submerged into Paul Brookes A World Where I immediately found myself in what felt like unstable fluid.

These poems deal the reader blow after blow of reality interplay. Unsettled as I read through each of the poems, I was never quite sure if “the world or the state of things as they actually exist”, actually existed. Such fun! Such imagination! Such such! Ha-Ha.

The poems within appear designed to grab hold of the reader with a sense of unease mixed through with the twists, turns and surprises from an amusement park “dark ride”.

One’s mind comprehends the poem’s framework but finds it necessary to deconstruct and reform the structure for attempts at understanding and transformation.

An interpretative dance follows to put it all back together. Meaning attempts to translate through each poem’s unique movement of words, expressions and topsy-turvy formation of circumstances. However, one realizes, the design sometimes simply allows the size of the questions to grow.WP_20170724_14_51_49_Pro (2)